Smoking Cessation, Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Eating Disorders

Smoking cessation, weight loss and management, and substance abuse are among the most common reasons people seek clinical hypnotherapy. Why? Well, first of all, they are very common issues that affect large numbers of Americans. And secondly, they are successfully treated quicker  and easier with clinical hypnosis than by any other form of psychotherapy. That is because hypnotherapy deals with the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is where all those conditions have their roots.

“What…?” you might ask. “Isn’t smoking a physical addiction?” Well, yes it certainly is. But as with all other addictions or habituating behaviors, the reasons that drove the initial experimentation with cigarettes (or with other substances or behaviors), are generally different than those which now drive their ongoing use. The later reasons are usually psychologically based, with origins often reaching back into childhood. Since those reasons are specific for each individual, a unique, individualized program of therapy specific to each client is almost always more effective than group therapy in bringing about successful, long-lasting change. That is the type of “one on one” therapy I practice.

 The reasons behind overeating, smoking, abuse of other substances (including alcohol), compulsive gambling, and all other compulsive habits (ritual cutting, bulimia, and purging are a few such behaviors primarily engaged in by young women) are complex. But they share the fact that, although often unrecognized by the client as such, they are almost always engaged in to self-soothe and relieve or mask anxiety.

 The good news is that clinical hypnotherapy addresses and works on the reasons driving the self-defeating behaviors, deep in the subconscious mind. By uncovering and eliminating those reasons, clients also relieve their compulsive need to use. The end result is that virtually all individuals with a sincere desire to rid themselves of their compulsive or addictive behaviors, respond exceptionally well to hypnotherapy.

If you or a loved one are struggling with any of these issues, I invite you to contact me at (916) 717-9150, for a free consultation.